| Education |
Dr. phil Thesis: Multi-Level Support With Respect to Inquiry, Explanations and Regulation During an Inquiry Cycle Department of Instructional Psychology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
08/2006 to 01/2010

| Ph.D Student Department of Instructional Psychology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
12/2003 |
Master of Education -Educational Technology Track School of Information Science and Learning Technologies, College of Education, University Missouri, USA
04/2001 |
Intermediate exam Information Science Saarland University, Saarbrücken |
09/1998 to 07/2001 |
Studies of Information Science for Magister Artium Minors: Education / Computer Science and Law Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Journal Publications |
Wichmann, A., & Timpe, S. (2015). Can Dynamic Visualizations with Variable Control Enhance the Acquisition of Intuitive Knowledge? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-015-9554-8
Wichmann, A., & Rummel, N. (2013). Improving revision in wiki-based writing: Coordination pays off. Computers & Education, 62(0), 262-270.
de Jong, T., Weinberger, A., Girault, I., Kluge, A., Lazonder, A.W., Pedaste, M., Ludvigsen, S., Ney, M., Wasson, B., Wichmann, A., Geraedts, C., Giemza, A., Hovardas, T., Julien, R., van Joolingen, W.R., Lejeune, A., Manoli, C.C., Matteman, Y., Sarapuu, T., Verkade, A., Vold, V., Wanders, B., Zacharia, Z.C. (2012). Using scenarios to design complex technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research & Development. 10.1007/s11423-012-9258-1
de Jong, T., van Joolingen, W.R., Giemza, A., Girault, I., Hoppe, U., Kindermann, J., Kluge, A.W., Lazonder, A.W., Vold, V., Weinberger, A., Weinbrenner, S., Wichmann, A. Anjewierden, A., Bodin, M., Bollen, L. d´Ham, C., Dolonen, J., Engler, J., Geraedts, C., Grosskreutz, H., Hovardas, T., Julien, R., Lechner, J., Ludvigsen, S., Matteman, Y., Meistadt, Ø., Næss, B., Ney, M., Pedaste, M., Perritano, A., Rinket, M., von Schlanbusch, H., Sarapuu, T., Schulz, F., Sikken, J., Slotta, J., Toussaint, J., Verkade, A., Wajeman, C., Wasson, B., Zacharia, Z.C., & van der Zanden, M. (2010). Learning by creating and exchanging objects: the SCY experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41, 909-921.
Wichmann, A., & Leutner, D. (2009). Inquiry Learning: multilevel support with respect to inquiry, explanations and regulation during an inquiry cycle. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 23(2), 117-127.
Harrer, A., Malzahn, N. & Wichmann, A. (2008). The Remote Control Approach - An architecture for adaptive scripting across collaborative learning environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 14 (1), 148-173.
Kuhn, M., Hoppe, H.U., Lingnau, A., & Wichmann, A. (2006). Computational modelling and simulation fostering new approaches in learning probability. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 43 (2), 183-194.